Welcome to the Jungle.
Song hunters who are always ready to use Shazam. Film lovers who'd never miss the chance to criticise. Whether you're a melomaniac, a cinephile of any kind or just a curious person willing to lose some time. Please take a seat, for you're now in the right place, and (maybe) the right time. Let's start with the aim of this blog. I'll put it simply: I love movies and I love music. I do love both disciplines as parents must love their twins, and my humble intention here is nothing but to share my passion for what's become an enjoyable and common practice in the past few years: to catch the moments when magic occurs, when both arts converge in the most strong and pleasant synergy. For example, I can remember the first time I saw Will Hunting singing "Afternoon delight" to piss off the poor psychologist that Prof. Lambeau assigned to him. It's the same song which sounds as Will finally drives to California and the screen fades to black. Wh